Free Online Games > Sniper King 2D The Dark City


Sniper King 2D The Dark City

The Siper Code is a puzzle shooter game created by Softlitude where your task is elimiate eemies from a distace usig your siper rifle. Complete over 30 challegig levels with various objectives ad ejoy the ituitively smooth gameplay. Your accuracy matters a great deal i this game, so does your stealth ability. Do't forget to sped the moey you eared i the store to improve your skills. Do you have what it takes to fiish this exhilaratig game?

About Sniper King 2D The Dark City

The Sniper Code is a puzzle shooter game created by Softlitude where your task is eliminate enemies from a distance using your sniper rifle. Complete over 30 challenging levels with various objectives and enjoy the intuitively smooth gameplay. Your accuracy matters a great deal in this game, so does your stealth ability. Don't forget to spend the money you earned in the store to improve your skills. Do you have what it takes to finish this exhilarating game?
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