Free Online Games > Find the Anemacilus


Find the Anemacilus

Help the heroes of the game to collect all the magical artifacts i uusual locatios. If this does ot work, the you ca use the tips. Ad remember that the time to complete each level is limited by a iexorable timer. Depedig o the gamig device, a computer mouse click or a simple touch o touch screes is used for cotrol.

About Find the Anemacilus

It's time to go on a journey. A whole new world awaits you, where treasures are hidden everywhere! Check under every rock and bush. Or maybe this treasure is guarded by a dragon? Take a walk on the mainland plains; look at the islands where cherry blossoms; explore the humid jungle. Everywhere you can find mysterious mysterious objects. Collect them all and get rewarded with a meeting with your favorite heroes!
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