Free Online Games > Mahjong Duels


Mahjong Duels

Each Mahjog tileset is made up of 144 tiles. There are 136 matchig tiles, 4 Flowers, ad 4 seaso tiles. The actual tiles will vary depedig o the tileset you have selected but each set maitais the same groups ad relatioships. The Flower ad Seaso tiles do’t match exactly, but there is always a visual relatioship amog the tiles i each group. You ca match ay Flower tile with ay other Flower tile ad ay Seaso tile with ay other seaso tile.

About Mahjong Duels

The amazing Chinese game of skill and strategy Mahjong is now social! Get in the arena and prepare to play with the most masterful opponents in this multiplayer Mahjong version and match your mystical tiles as a Chinese master of the game!
Challenge and defeat your friends by finding first the matching symbols for bamboo, dragons, digits and other elements.

「WebGL」For smartphones

For iOS:
Safari on iOS 8 and later supports WebGL 1.0, and on iOS 15 and later supports WebGL 2.0.

For Android:
Nearly all of them support WebGL
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