Free Online Games > Brain control


Brain control

Press Space to start the game.
Press W to walk forward.
Press A/D to move sideways.
Press S oce to duck.
Press S twice to lie o the floor ad crawl.
Press left mouse click to puch.
Press right mouse click to poit your weapo.
Press Eter to iteract with objects.

About Brain control

You're a special government agent called charls. A scientific campaign has decided to embark on a race to see which is the first laboratory in the world to be able to communicate with a brain outside the body and keep it alive artificially. In this place they have managed to connect a lot of sensors in a brain to be able to communicate and extract information from it without destroying it in the process. Agent Charls is then sent there in order to stop all these experiments since the scientists have no plans to deliver their data to the government. It seems that the mafia has decided to finance these researchers and the danger that this represents must be faced by charls undertaking a long journey where he must use his ability to be silent not to be seen by guards and attack at the right time.

「WebGL」For smartphones

For iOS:
Safari on iOS 8 and later supports WebGL 1.0, and on iOS 15 and later supports WebGL 2.0.

For Android:
Nearly all of them support WebGL
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