Free Online Games > Mahjong Kitchen


Mahjong Kitchen

The gameplay is accompaied by hits, so do't miss them.
You will fid subtleties i them at the begiig of your jourey.
By opeig ew recipes, you expad the base of your meu. Everyoe is pleased to come to the cafe, where there is a variety of dishes.
The more mastered recipes i your book, the more varied the meu, which attracts differet visitors to the cafe.

About Mahjong Kitchen

Mahjong Kitchen is a pleasant and relaxing pastime.
Gourmets, mahjong lovers will definitely enjoy cooking dishes according to the proposed recipes!

The game will completely immerse you in the atmosphere of a pleasant cafe!
You have to figure out the recipes, discovering more and more new dishes.
As in life, a recipe may or may not work. It all depends on your dexterity, ability to concentrate and pleasure during the process!

Tempting? Then turn on your dexterity and skill - an amazing adventure awaits you as a restaurateur in the kitchen mahjong!
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