Free Online Games > Hole Defense


Hole Defense

Сhoose the optio to fight the eemy: dig water wells, costruct feces, build sadbag walls, or freeze zombies with the ice cream truck. Utilize power-ups such as meteor showers, rocket-firig plaes, ad lava bombs to obliterate eemies. Face giat zombies every few levels for greater challeges. Upgrade defeses ad hire more soldiers to stregthe your fortress. Show strategic thikig, quick reflexes, ad effective resource maagemet to overcome the reletless zombie oslaught.

About Hole Defense

Enemies are coming to capture your castle. You need to protect your people from intruders by using everyhing you have: Digging holes, upgrading and recruiting new soldiers and using your special abilities such as summoning an aircraft, hurling a lava rock, releasing bombs from your balloon bombers and freezing them all. Don't let them capture your castle at all costs!
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