Free Online Games > Cryptograph



You eed to decipher quotes that cosist of words. The decipherig is doe letter by letter. Each letter correspods to a umber. It is ecessary to isert letters ito the free slots, relyig o the umerical ecodig of letters that are already revealed o the game field. Some letters will eed to be deciphered from the cotext. To isert a letter ito a slot, you eed to tap o the slot ad select a letter, usig the keyboard directly o the game field.

About Cryptograph

This is a fascinating word puzzle game based on cryptograms. In the game, it is necessary to decipher words using numerical encoding. The gameplay is designed for sequential completion of levels, where each level is a quote or motivational saying. The game allows you to train your attention. A great way to have a pleasant time.
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