Free Online Games > Lumber Factory Simulator


Lumber Factory Simulator

1. Tree Processig: You ca process trees ito various types of products such as wood ad furiture.
2. Sellig Products: Ear moey by sellig your products i the market. Satisfy customer eeds ad icrease your profits.
3. Factory Expasio: Gradually expad your factory by addig ew equipmet ad improvig productio processes.
4. Character Upgrade: Develop your character's skills to become a successful etrepreeur i the forestry idustry.

About Lumber Factory Simulator

Welcome to "Lumber Mill Simulator"! This is an exciting game where you own a sawmill. Your success depends on your ability to make informed decisions, effectively manage resources and grow your business. Are you ready to become a great lumber tycoon?

「WebGL」For smartphones

For iOS:
Safari on iOS 8 and later supports WebGL 1.0, and on iOS 15 and later supports WebGL 2.0.

For Android:
Nearly all of them support WebGL
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