Free Online Games > Squirrel with a gun!


Squirrel with a gun!

Wait for the right momet ad tap o the scree to shoot. The squirrel uder the ifluece of the impulse will fly i the opposite directio of the shot. Catch the momets to hit the eemy accurately

About Squirrel with a gun!

- Ah, what a headache.... Where did the evil nut-headed bipeds come from...? What's that ?...? ? AAAAAA!" This game is about a checkered squirrel who shoots cool weapons and parkour through levels in slo mo. Help the squirrel defeat the evil nutheads and take away their nuts. ?? Complete the challenges and get cool prizes! ?

「WebGL」For smartphones

For iOS:
Safari on iOS 8 and later supports WebGL 1.0, and on iOS 15 and later supports WebGL 2.0.

For Android:
Nearly all of them support WebGL
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