Free Online Games > Crash the Robot!


Crash the Robot!

Drag items from the ivetory at the top of the scree oto the game scee ad start the chai of evets by clickig o the Start butto at the bottom, middle of the scree. To fire the cao, tur it to the desired agle, simultaeously select the force of the shot ad release it. The shot will be fired automatically if the umber of shots is idicated o the cao. Cotrols: PC: mouse. P/Esc - pause. R - restart level.

About Crash the Robot!

An addictive physics puzzle game, the goal of which is to crash the robot on each level in all sorts of ways or give him the opportunity to do so himself. Arrange items from your inventory and trigger a chain of events to reach the goal! Also use cannons and jumppads. The game has over 50 levels +5 bonus levels!

「WebGL」For smartphones

For iOS:
Safari on iOS 8 and later supports WebGL 1.0, and on iOS 15 and later supports WebGL 2.0.

For Android:
Nearly all of them support WebGL
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