Free Online Games > Microsoft Wordament


Microsoft Wordament

At the begiig of each roud, you will be preseted with a board cosistig of 16 tiles (4×4), each cotaiig either a sigle (e.g. “A”) or double letter (e.g. “Qu”). Each letter is assiged a poit value ragig from 1 – 10. Start searchig the board for words i the puzzle. A word cosists of ay coected sequece of letters, i ay directio, but you may ot use a sigle tile more tha oce for a sigle word.

About Microsoft Wordament

The evolution of the hit-game on Windows, iOS, and Android. Find as many words as you can on a 4x4 grid of letter tiles. WordamentTM is a unique kind of word game—a word tournament—where you are competing with the whole internet to be the best word searcher in every game. Every player is competing on the same board, in real time, to get the highest score. Will you be the Wordament champion?
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