Free Online Games > The Bowling Club


The Bowling Club

It is very simple ad ituitive. You just eed to frick the ball with your figer.
You ca also throw the curvig ball by flickig like a half circle. If you wat to throw the ball straight, flick it up icely.
Fid the good strike spot! 1 game has 10 frames.

About The Bowling Club

The Bowling Club is the perfect bowling game for all players who love bowling.
Choose your opponent and start the game! Throw the ball well and get many strikes!
Don't worry if you get the gutter at first throw, you can throw it again by using the special item. You have many chances to get the strike or spare!
The final 10 frame is a kind of bonus time because you can throw again if you get strike or spare. Control the ball well and aim for a maximum score of 300!
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