Free Online Games > The Patagonians


The Patagonians

The game is cotrolled usig the keyboard.
Use the followig buttos to cotrol your character: WASD -move the character, SPACE - jump, SHIFT - ru, E - actio, LMB - attack, RMB - secodary weapo, TAB - pause.
Use headphoes for a better immersio i the atmosphere of the game.
Attetio arachophobes - there are large arachid mosters i the game.
Also i the game there are sudde ad frighteig souds.

About The Patagonians

A single-player adventure with horror elements.
The levels of the game are filled with creepy monsters, riddles and a frightening atmosphere.

The daughter of the protagonist of the game disappears on her tenth birthday.
He rushes in search and accidentally learns that she was seen at the abandoned mansion of the founders of the city.
Going there, the hero will remember what he should not remember.

「WebGL」For smartphones

For iOS:
Safari on iOS 8 and later supports WebGL 1.0, and on iOS 15 and later supports WebGL 2.0.

For Android:
Nearly all of them support WebGL
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