Free Online Games > Party Animals Cats Evolution


Party Animals Cats Evolution

**Gameplay:** Creatig a cat has ever bee so easy! Just click o idetical kittes, joi them together ad get ew species! Go through all stages of cat evolutio ad populate the plaet with critters!
The cats themselves geerate cois - use them to buy additioal cats or boosters to improve the game!
Combie idetical cats to ulock ew species.
Click o cats to ear cois.
Buy chests, lucky spis, gems, gold, uique upgrades.

About Party Animals Cats Evolution

**Gameplay:** Creating a cat has never been easier! Just click on identical kittens, connect them together and get new types! Go through all the stages of cats evolution and populate the planet with Party Animals!
Cats themselves generate coins - use them to buy additional cats, or boosters to improve the game!

**Content:** Discover 21 unique and cute party animals, each with a name as distinctive as their personality and a wonderful description that brings out their individual charm.

「WebGL」For smartphones

For iOS:
Safari on iOS 8 and later supports WebGL 1.0, and on iOS 15 and later supports WebGL 2.0.

For Android:
Nearly all of them support WebGL
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