Flames & Fortune
Draw cards usig resources to defeat your eemies util there are o cards left i the deck. Each tur, ew cards will be draw util the 4 slots o the dashboard are filled. Equip the resource cards i your hads ad backpack. Cofrot your eemies by castig spells at them, takig direct damage from them, or dampeig it with a shield. Gather as may treasures as possible o your way out of the dugeo, ad use the eared gold to ulock ew Ability Cards.
About Flames & Fortune
Dive into "Flames & Fortune," a game inspired by Card Crawl, set in treacherous dungeons. Play as the Pyro-Paladin, mastering a deck of 54 cards to battle foes like goblins and dragons. Strategy determines survival and success brings gold to unlock new skills. Will you conquer the darkness for untold riches?