Fierce Battle Breakout
Cotrol the movemet of the character through meas such as virtual joysticks or touchig the scree. For example, maipulate the character to move imbly ad avoid the attacks of eemies. You ca also make use of the obstacles ad terrai advatages i the game field to formulate strategies ad tactics. There are a variety of weapos ad equipmet available for selectio i the game, icludig firearms, kives ad so o. Each weapo has its ow characteristics ad advatages.
About Fierce Battle Breakout
This is a fast-paced 3D mini-game that combines survival, combat and strategy. Players will play the role of survivors striving for survival. Facing the threats from enemies, the pursuit of hostile forces and the harsh environment, they will embark on a thrilling journey of survival and defense. The difficulty of the levels will keep increasing. Each level has a large number of enemies constantly swarming towards the players. Players need to eliminate all the enemies to win.